2A Activists – Old

These are some 2A  Activists


  • Col. William C. Church
  • Gen. George Wingate
  • Gen. Ambrose Burnside
  • Harlon Carter
  • Neal Knox
  • Wayne LaPierre
  • Chris W. Cox

Firearms Coalition 

  • Neal Knox
  • Jeff Knox
  • Chris Knox

Gun Owners of America

  • H.L. Richardson
  • Larry Pratt
  • Erich Pratt

Second Amendment Foundation

  • Alan Gottlieb

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)

  • Brandon Combs
  • Craig DeLuz

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JFPO)

  • Aaron Zelman

Pink Pistols

  • Doug Krick
  • Suzanna Hupp
  • Nicole Stallard

 Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)

  • Dr. Timothy Wheeler
  • Dr Robert Young
  • Dr John Edeen

NFA Freedom Alliance

  • Todd Rathner

Oath Keepers

  • Elmer Stewart Rhodes

National Association of Gun Rights NAGR

  • Dudley Brown


  • John Lott
  • Joyce Lee Malcolm
  • Don Kates

2A Attorneys

  • Alan Gura
  • Dave Kopel


  • Suzanna Hupp
  • Mike Detty
  • David Codrea
  • Alan Korwin

  • Col. William C. Church
    (August 11, 1836 – May 23, 1917)
    – 1861–62 Washington correspondent of the New York Times
    – 1863 Founded the Army and Navy Journal
    – 1866 co-founded Galaxy Magazine, which published the early writings of Mark Twain
    – 1870 one of the founders of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

    – 1871 co-founder of the National Rifle Association
    – 1872 Second president of the National Rifle Association
    – 1882 commissioner to inspect the Northern Pacific Railroad
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Conant_Church

  • Gen. George Wingate
    (July 1, 1840 – March 22, 1928)

    – 1871 co-founder of the National Rifle Association
    – 1872 Author – Manual for Rifle Practice
    – 1886 to 1900 president of the National Rifle Association
    – 1903 first President of the Public Schools Athletic League PSAL

  • Gen. Ambrose Burnside
    (May 23, 1824 – September 13, 1881)
    – 1843-1847 United States Military Academy – graduated 18th in a class of 47
    – 1847–1853 Mexican–American War (1st Lieutenant)
    – 1853 manufactured the Burnside carbine
    – 1861 – 1865 Civil War, Major General
    – 1866-1869 Governor of Rhode Island
    – 1871 NRA’s first President
    – 1875-1881 U.S. Senator from Rhode Island
    – His distinctive style of facial hair became known as sideburns

  • Warren Page
    (1910 – Jan 22,1977)
    – 1931 Graduated from Harvard
    – WWII Lieutenant in Navy, Gunnery Instructor
    – 1947-1974 Shooting Editor for Field & Stream

    – 1958 Awarded the Weatherby Big Game Trophy
    – 1960 Created the First National Conference on the Shooting Sports
    – Founded National Bench Rest Shooting Championship
    – 1972 Director of National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)
    – first living American to be named to the Hunting Hall of Fame

  • John David Dingell Jr.
    (born July 8, 1926)
    – 1955 – 2015 United States House of Representatives
    – 1968 Urged the NRA to fight for 2nd Amendment rights
    – former board member of the National Rifle Association
    – For many years, Dingell received an A+ rating from the NRA

  • Hubert Leon “Bill” Richardson
    (December 28, 1927)
    – served in the United States Navy in World War II
    – 1975 founded The Gun Owners of America(GOA)
    – founded of Gun Owners of California

    – 1966-1989 California state senator
    – Chair the Senate Fish and Game Committee
    – NRA director
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._L._Richardson

  • Larry Pratt
    (November 13, 1942)
    – 1976 executive director Gun Owners of America
    – 1980–1981 Virginia House of Delegates 19th district
    – Reagan delegate to the 1980 Republican National Convention
    – Author: Armed People Victorious (1990)
    – Author: Safeguarding Liberty: The Constitution and Citizen Militias (1995)
    – Author: On the Firing Line: Essays in the Defense of Liberty (2001)
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Pratt

  • Clifford “Neal” Knox
    (June 20, 1935 – January 17, 2005)
    – 1966 testified before Congressional committees at least fifty times, before the House Subcommittee on Crime against what eventually became the Gun Control Act of 1968
    – 1977 The NRA Cincinnati Revolt

    – 1978-1982 Executive Director of NRA Institute for Legislative Action (ILA)
    – 1984 Founder & chairman of the Firearms Coalition
    – founding editor of Gun Week
    – editor of Handloader Magazine
    – founding editor of Rifle Magazine
    – – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_Knox
  • Chris Knox
    – Son of “Neal” Knox
    – Co-Maintains FirearmsCoalition.org and GunVoter.org
    – Compiled and edited, The Gun Rights War
    – Interview

  • John Lott
    (May 8, 1958)
    – Ph.D. in economics from UCLA
    – Economist, political commentator, and gun rights advocate
    – 1997 study analyzed crime rates in 3,000 U.S. counties following passage of concealed carry laws during the past two decades
    – Concealed carry laws had resulted in significant crime reductions
    – 2013 founded the Crime Prevention Research Center
    – The War On Guns: Arming Yourself Against Gun Control Lies
    – More Guns, Less Crime
    – The Bias Against Guns
    – Freedomnomics
    –  https://CrimeResearch.org
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lott

  • Doug Ritter
    2006 Founded Knife Rights
    Chairman of Knife Rights

  • Todd Rathner
    – 2014 president of the NFA Freedom Alliance
    – Director of Legislative Affairs for Knife Rights

  • Craig DeLuz
    – Communications Director for the California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (Cal-FFL)
    – http://CraigDeLuz.com

  • Doug Krick
    – 2000 Founded Pink Pistols

  • Elmer Stewart Rhodes
    – U.S. Army Airborne Veteran (Disabled and Retired)
    – 2004 Graduate of Yale Law School
    – 2009 Founder and National President of Oath Keepers
    – http://oathkeepers.org

  • Tim Schmidt
    2003 – Founded USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association)

  • Dudley Brown
    – 1996 founded (and executive director) of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
    – president National Association of Gun Rights NAGR
    – 2014 NAGR Revenue $12,451,900
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudley_Brown

Proponents of the “Standard Model” Interpretation of the Second Amendment
– five “inner circle”

2A Attorneys

Authors, Second Amendment Attorneys, Political Scientists, Second Amendment Researchers, and Gun Rights Advocates

  • Alan Gura
    – 2008 successfully argued  District of Columbia v. Heller before the United States Supreme Court
    – successfully argued McDonald v. Chicago.before the United States Supreme Court
    – born in Israel
    – came to the United States when he was 7 with his family

  • Dave Kopel
    – January 7, 1960
    –  2008 appeared before the U.S. Supreme Court .presenting the oral argument in District of Columbia v. Heller
    – His Heller amicus brief was cited four times in the Court’s Heller opinions
    – His brief in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) was cited by Justice Alito’s plurality opinion, and twice by Justice Stevens’ dissent

  • Dick Heller
    took his 2A-based legal case all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States
    His case impacted the legal interpretation of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution, the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm, unconnected with service in a militia

  • David Codrea
    – 1999 writer for GUNS & AMMO magazine
    – writer for HANDGUNS magazine
    – writer for 2009-2018 GUNS magazine
    – 2011 “Journalist of the Year” by the 2nd Amendment Foundation
    – 2011 Soldier of Fortune Magazine’s “2nd Amendment Freedom Fighter Award”
    – 2014 Defender of Liberty by the Second Amendment Foundation
  • Robert E. Shalhope
  • Robert J. Cottrol
    (born January 18, 1949)
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_J._Cottrol
  • Stephen P. Halbrook
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Halbrook

  • Valinda Rowe
    – spokeswoman for IllinoisCarry.com
  • Mike Weisman
    – Illinois State Rifle Association
  • Dr. Paula Bratich
    – co-coordinator of the Second Amendment Sisters

  • Karl T. Frederick
    – 1934 NRA leader
    – “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”
  • Franklin Orth 
    – 1963, NRA Executive Vice President
    – backed the banning of mail-order sales
    – supported state legislation prohibiting “open carry” in public places
  • Kenyon Ballew
    – longtime NRA member
    – 1971, federal agents shot and paralyzed during a gun raid at his home in Maryland

  • Charles Heller
    – son of a law-enforcement officer and grandson of a judge
    – 1978 moved to Arizona
    – 2002 Liberty Watch Radio & America Armed & Free Radio Show
    – 2005 One of the Four co-founders of the Arizona Citizens Defense League
    – 2011-2013 excec Director of JPFO
    – Currently Media Co-Ordinator for AzCDL & JPFO

  • Dick Heller
    – A licensed special police officer for the District of Columbia.
    – Heller carried a gun in federal office buildings, but was not allowed to have one in his home
    – Robert A. Levy and Alan Gura were counsel for Heller
    – 1984 founded the “Children’s Birthright Trust Fund” – a charity that supports and raises funds for youth projects, such as computer access
    – 2004 until 2011 served as the Treasurer of the D.C. Libertarian Party

  • Otis McDonald
    – 1933 – April 4, 2014
    – 2010 Chicago prohibited him from owning a handgun, so Otis sued and eventually overturned the handgun ban
    –  McDonald v Chicago
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