Gun Prohibitionists

  • President Lyndon Johnson
    Gun Control Act of 1968 
  • President Bill Clinton
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • Shannon Watts
  • Josh Sugarmann
  • Michael Bloomberg
  • Sarah Brady
  • Robyn Thomas
    – Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
  • Dan Gross
    – Brady Campaign
  • Nelson “Pete” Shields

“The first problem is to slow down the number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second problem is to get handguns registered. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition — except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors — totally illegal.” – New Yorker in 1976

  • Gabby Giffords
    – Americans for Responsible Solutions
  • Peter Ambler
    – Americans for Responsible Solutions
  • Ari Freilich
    – Giffords Law Center, state policy director
  • Ladd Everitt
    – Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
  • Dr. Arthur Kellermann
    – 1993 New England Journal of Medicine article
    Gun Ownership as a Risk Factor for Homicide in the Home

  • Rebecca Peters
    – head of International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
    – international gun-ban lobby
    – 1996 developed Australian gun confiscation program

Hoplophobia, the morbid fear of guns

  • unwarranted government intrusion into people’s lives
  • primarily benefited bootlegging mobsters and the corrupt public officials whose pockets they lined with bribes
  • a futile exercise in legislating morality




Guns are only for the National Guard (Government Militia)
Collective Rights of Guns

Handguns are the Worst

Assault Weapons are the Worst

re-packaged its gun control agenda as a public health crisis

Gun Control Lobby

Text History & Tradition
Strict Scrutiny

do we look at “what is done” or “what WAS law in the old days” often even “what was law BEFORE the USA”?

or DO we look at the strict letter of the law?

these are two very different ways to address or debate a legal issue

Product Safety – Gun Prohibitionists think all guns should be safe for kids at all times – they suggest guns are the only item not required to have limits on un-necessary safety devices

Gun Prohibitionists suggest our low crime is not a legitimate reason to own guns, but our low crime is still a reason to remove guns from law abiding

Gun Prohibitionists say the AR15 & M16 are similar, we argue..

Instead argue the validity of their objections, their facts are wack, but listened to by their side

A right not to get shot

“not in a vacuum”

gun violence epidemic

we do not feel safe – why? the number of guns? or the unwarented hype?

common sense solutions

extreme reading of the constitution that allows “deadly things”

Defense vs Offence – Police & Military define the AR15 s defensive firearm



1960 – Research Report by the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Library
– attempt to determine whether gun laws had any relationship to crime rates
– concludes: ‘From the foregoing statistics it would be difficult to determine the effect that either licensing or nonlicensing of firearms has on the extent of crime in a State, particularly upon the murder rate per 100,000 population.’



  • Tim Kaine
    – Mayor of Richmond
    – #4 City for Homicide Rate at the time
    – Project Exile (Federal Felony for using a firearm in crime)

  • John Bolton
    – Unilateral disarmament efforts in the 70 & 80
    – Internationally vs Domestically 

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