Students for the Second Amendment
- non-partisan, campus based, student organization
Our organization is dedicated to the preservation and defense of our cherished freedoms enumerated in the Constitution of the United States. Especially that freedom which stands as the guarantor of all the others – the Second Amendment.
- December of 2000 – Founded by Ryan T. Bragg and Damaso Torres
- wanted a vehicle by which they could organize and host bi-annual skeet and trap shoots for college and university students
- August of 2002 – SF2A introduced its innovative, Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program. The goal of the program is to train college and university students to become NRA Certified Firearms Instructors.
- 2007 – Last updated
- HQ in Texas
- chapters & state coordinators in 22 states
Students for the Second Amendment works on college and university campuses to bring the truth regarding our constitutionally protected rights to students who have been misled by an academic establishment that is often hostile, to true freedom and individual liberties.

San Antonio, TX