(June 20, 1935 – January 17, 2005) – 1966 testified before Congressional committees at least fifty times, before the House Subcommittee on Crime against what eventually became the Gun Control Act of 1968 – 1977 The NRA Cincinnati Revolt – 1978-1982 Executive Director of NRA Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) – 1984 Founder & chairman of the Firearms Coalition – founding editor of Gun Week – editor of Handloader Magazine – founding editor of Rifle Magazine– – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neal_Knox
Joseph P. Tartaro March 17,1931 – June 13, 2020 (89)
Joseph Tartaro was a well-known American firearms rights activist and president of the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF). He served in the United States Marine Corps and later became a full-time firearms activist. Tartaro was been involved in firearm owner rights organizations, including the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), which he co-founded in 1971, and the International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR). He has been a vocal advocate for gun rights and has written extensively on firearms issues, receiving several awards for his work in the firearm owners rights movement.
1979 bought Gun Week newspaper (with his brother) – later transferred it to the Second Amendment Foundation
Executive Editor of TheGunMag.com
1989 – named president of Second Amendment Foundation
1989 2nd Amendment foundation acquired Women & Guns, founded by Sunny Jones, who remained as its editor
co-editor of the monthly newsletter, The Gottlieb-Tartaro Report
1991 – NRA’s Harlon B. Carter Award
1993 – Author – The Great Assault Weapon Hoax
Joseph was a former Ad Executive for Tartaro Advertising
2013 – CCRKBA’s Gun Rights Defender of the Year award
Tartaro has been a vocal advocate for gun rights and has testified before Congress on numerous occasions. He has also written extensively on firearms issues and is the author of several books, including “The Great American Gun Debate: Essays on Firearms and Violence” and “The Gun Rights Fact Book”. He has received numerous awards for his work in the firearms rights movement, including the NRA’s Harlon B. Carter Award in 1991 and the CCRKBA’s Gun Rights Defender of the Year award in 2013.
During World War II, was an inspector at the Ogden, Utah Arsenal
Rifles that he inspected are cartouche stamped with the initials “OGEK” in a rectangular box
Creator of the: 1935 – .357 Magnum cartridge 1956 – .44 Magnum cartridge 1963 – .41 Magnum cartridge 1956 – Ruger Model 29 .44 Magnum single action Blackhawk revolver
1885 publisher “The Rifle” magazine the forerunner to the official publication of the National Rifle Association “The Rifleman”, later “American Rifleman”
1888 Author – The Modern American Pistol and Revolver the first English-language book devoted to pistol shooting