Podcaster -Competition Shooter
- Army Sniper / Drill Instructor
- Competition Shooter IPSC
- Munitions Weapons Tactical
- Co-hosts the Black Man With A Gun podcast
- M-W Tactical Podcast
Podcaster -Competition Shooter
– U.S. Army Airborne Veteran (Disabled and Retired)
– 2004 Graduate of Yale Law School
– 2009 Founder and National President of Oath Keepers
– http://oathkeepers.org
August 23, 1956
United States Army Marksmanship Unit
established in March 1, 1956
United States Army Marksmanship Unit
Fort Benning, Georgia
(August 11, 1836 – May 23, 1917)
(May 23, 1824 – September 13, 1881)
– 1843-1847 United States Military Academy – graduated 18th in a class of 47
– 1847–1853 Mexican–American War (1st Lieutenant)
– 1853 manufactured the Burnside carbine
– 1861 – 1865 Civil War, Major General
– 1866-1869 Governor of Rhode Island
– 1871 NRA’s first President
– 1875-1881 U.S. Senator from Rhode Island
– His distinctive style of facial hair became known as sideburns
March 1822 – March 10, 1913
“There was one of two things I had a right to”, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other”