2004 – 2012
- founded in 2004
- created by John Pierce and Mike Stollenwerk
- focused on the right to openly carry properly holstered handguns in daily American life

2004 – 2012
Kentucky Rifle Foundation
2004 founded
Babes with Bullets
April 2004 Started
United States Concealed Carry Association
started 2003
Products include:
2003 – Founded USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association)
2013 – Started the Self Defense Shield
Delta Defense, LLC
1000 Freedom Way
West Bend, WI 53095
The National Firearms Act Trade & Collectors Association (NFATCA) is the premiere organization that champions the interests of the entire NFA community.
Founded by
20603 Big Wells Drive
Katy TX 77449-6269
Michigan Gun Owners
Michigan Gun Owners
P.O. Box 153
Dearborn Heights, MI
Call toll-free: 877-ASK-MGO1
National Association for Gun Rights
President National Association of Gun Rights NAGR
– 2014 NAGR Revenue $12,451,900
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dudley_Brown
since 2001
Students for the Second Amendment
Our organization is dedicated to the preservation and defense of our cherished freedoms enumerated in the Constitution of the United States. Especially that freedom which stands as the guarantor of all the others – the Second Amendment.
Students for the Second Amendment works on college and university campuses to bring the truth regarding our constitutionally protected rights to students who have been misled by an academic establishment that is often hostile, to true freedom and individual liberties.
San Antonio, TX
The mission of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association is to provide a consistent and unified voice for Nebraska Firearm Owners. NFOA is organized for the purpose of voicing the opinion of its membership to the Nebraska Legislature and other law making bodies within the state as well as Federal level, as it pertains to firearms. NFOA members will also make it a priority to educate residents on firearms related issues.
P.O. BOX 27131, Omaha, NE