How I Carry
Author Archives: gwebs
Cowan’s Auctions
launched in 1995
- 1980 Wes was on faculty of the Ohio State University
- 1984 Wes joined Cincinnati Museum of Natural History as Curator of Archaeology
- 1995 retired & started Cowan’s Auctions, Inc.
- 2014 launched their website
- co- launched
Cowan’s Auctions
6270 Este Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45232
Alliant Powders
started in 1995
Radford, Virginia
- 1995 Hercules, Inc. sold to Alliant Techsystems Inc (ATK)
- Alliant Powder has its roots in Alliant Techsystems
Alliant Powder
P.O. Box 6
Radford, VA 24141
(866) 286-7436
Bond Arms
Granbury, Texas
- 1995 founded by Greg Bond in Granbury, Texas
– originally named Texas Armory - the largest manufacturer of derringers
– Remington Model 95 single-action derringer style
– constructed completely from stainless steel - holsters made in-house
Proudly made in Texas, by Texans
Serbu Firearms
Founded in 1995
- Class 2 manufacturer
- 1989 Super-Shorty
– designed & built as a favor - 1996 Founded by Mark Serbu in Tampa, Florida
– 1990 Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of South Florida - June 9th, 1999 BFG-50 Serbu’s first rifle design
Serbu Firearms, Inc.
6019 W Chelsea St
Tampa, FL 33634
Virginia Citizens Defense League
- Oct 1994 – VaCDL founded as Northern Virginia Citizens Defense League
- 1995 – Philip Van Cleave
- May 1998 – incorporated as VCDL
- 2005 – Inspired the Arizona Citizens Defense League

Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership

Dr. Timothy Wheeler
– 1993 founded Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)
– 1993 – 2016 acting director DRGO

Arthur Perspinda
- 2016 Project Director
Dr John Edeen
Oversees membership development at Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)

Dr Robert Young

– Practicing psychiatrist
– Member of Doctors For Responsible Gun Ownership (DRGO)
– Editor in Chief
Sean Brodale, DO
Outreach Director
Daily Bullet – Dr. John Edeen – Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
Dec 14, 2020
Brady Bill (1994)
- Brady Bill (1994) expired in 1998)
- went into effect on February 28, 1994
- named after James Brady, who was shot during an attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981
- mandated National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
Federal Assault Weapons Ban AWB
passed by the US Congress on September 13, 1994,
signed into law by US President Bill Clinton on the same day
expired on September 13, 2004
Military Marksmanship Association
Military Marksmanship Association is primarily the alumni group of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, but includes alumni of other military marksmanship programs too. The USAMU trains Army shooters to compete in National and International shooting events.
- 1994 established
- October 19, 2001 incorporated s a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation State of Georgia
- March 23, 2004, the Internal Revenue Service recognized the association as a tax exempt Veteran’s Organization under IRC section 501(c)(19)
- Veterans’ Organization under Internal Revenue Service Code section 501(c)(19)
- Past or present members of the U.S. Armed Forces must provide their branch of military service and the dates of their military service and other applicants must check mark the appropriate block on the Membership Application Form.
- MMA is a Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) affiliated club
- Military Marksmanship Association, Inc.
PO Box 52025
Fort Benning, GA 31995-2025