- 2015 Co-Founder and Chairman for the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus
- 2013 Co-Founder Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee

– 2000 Founded Pink Pistols
Testified before the House Appropriations Committee
how the CDC had used taxpayer money to lobby for gun control
– https://drgo.us/drgo-in-media/john-edeen-md-media-2/
– https://drgo.us
quotes from P.W. O’Carroll, MD — he was the acting head of the Division of Injury Control at the CDC. He was quoted in JAMA [subscription required] on Feb. 3, 1989, as saying, “We are going to systematically build a case that owning firearms causes deaths. We are doing the most we can do given the political realities.” He later said he’d been misquoted.
Daily Bullet – Derek LeBlanc
Nov 25, 2020