information on past and present gun control legislation
Tag Archives: History
Project Appleseed
Project Appleseed
- 1999 started from a series of ads appearing in Shotgun News
by Jack Dailey under a pseudonym “Fred” - 2017 those ads ceased
- April 2006 in Ramseur, North Carolina
- 2006 instructors began a national tour to attract instructors who could maintain and develop local programs
- 2018 over 120,000 individuals have attended an Appleseed marksmanship and history clinic in all 50 states
a non-partisan group of men and women (known as the Revolutionary War Veterans Association) who are committed to upholding the values and principles of America’s founding fathers. We use rifle marksmanship instruction as a gateway to help bring our nation’s history to life and to show that many of the values that our forefathers relied on to win our independence are still very much in demand today.
Through clinics and events, we teach rifle marksmanship and early American heritage to introduce individuals of all skill levels to the knowledge that was so crucial to the success of our nation’s founders. Aside from the fun and camaraderie of these events, the designed takeaway is a renewed sense of civic responsibility that each attendee can then implement in his or her own community. If we can reconnect enough people with the selfless civic virtue of our forefathers, we as a nation will all be better off.
Our goal is to create a nation of Riflemen
Appleseed is a fast-growing non-profit nationwide community of volunteers. Therefore, it is to be expected that prices, terms, and programs offered are and can be subject to change without notice. Visitors to our site should be cautioned that printed literature can be old/out-of-date, and that only prices and opportunities currently listed on the site are authoritative as to current Appleseed programs and opportunities.
March 31, 2006 – founded
Appleseed is a fast-growing non-profit nationwide community of volunteers committed to teaching two things: rifle marksmanship and our early American heritage.
American Society of Arms Collectors
- 1953 – Founded
- Membership is limited to a maximum of 250 active members, and membership is by invitation only

permanent national organization for persons interested in the collection, research, study, and preservation of arms, armor, and accessories and accouterments; to establish and promote standards and ethics in research and dissemination of information pertaining to the history of arms and armor; and to promote and further the preparation, publication and distribution of scholarly literature pertaining to the development and history of arms and armor.
American Society of Arms Collectors
P.O. Box 2172
Noblesville, IN 46061-2172
Ye Connecticut Gun Guild
- Sunday evening May 7, 1944 five men met in the home of Walter MacGregor on Cumberland Avenue in Wethersfield, Connecticut to discuss the formation of a new organization to promote their interests in the preservation, study and collecting of antique firearms.
The Guild and it’s members have been gathering monthly since 1944 fostering the preservation of history and an appreciation for all things militaria. From the waning years of World War II to the present, the Connecticut Gun Guild has grown from five enthusiastic men to a diverse, multinational organization of over 350 members. The Guild continues to promote safety, responsibility, friendship, and research while attempting to preserve our constitutional rights and pursue our chosen hobby which includes the collecting and preservation of firearms.
Federal Firearms Act (FFA)
- June 30, 1938
- required gun manufacturers, importers, and dealers to obtain a federal firearms license
- convicted felons, who could not purchase guns
- mandated that gun sellers keep customer records
- FFA was repealed in 1968 by the Gun Control Act (GCA)