USA office opened in 1985
Nevada, Montana
Armscor history in Philippines
- 1905 – Squires Bingham & Co starts as a print shop
– sells sporting goods on the side
- 1941 – Don Celso Tuason purchases Sportsman’s Headquarters
- 1952 – In postwar Philippines, Don Celso Tuason obtains the first license in his country to begin firearm and ammunition manufacturing
- 1952 – The company is renamed Squires Bingham Manufacturing Inc.
- 1965 – Don Celso turns over control of the company to his three sons: Bolo, Butch, Concoy
- 1980 – Squires Bingham Manufacturing Inc. is reorganized
– becomes Arms Corporation of the Philippines (ARMSCOR)
– Demetrio “Bolo” Tuason is named Chairman and President
- Armscor bult 1911s for
– Charles Daly
– Tanfoglio
– Rock Island Armory

- 1985 – Armscor Precision International opens its first office in the US
- 1985 – acquires the Rock Island Armory brand
– partly outsourced to IMBEL (Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil)
– distributed in the U.S. by SARCO
– rebranded Armscor 1911s
- 1997 – the second manufacturer awarded the ISO 9001 certification
- 2011 – new production facilities in Stevensville, Montana
– Armscor USA Ammo
- 2012 – Martin Tuason becomes new president
- 2014 .22 TCM
- 2015 .22 TCM 9R
- 2016 – Open US Manufacturing plant in Pahrump, NV
- 2017 M200 .38 caliber revolver

Armscor USA and Rock Island Armory
150 North Smart Way
Pahrump, NV 89060
(775) 537-1444