Any group of words, usually less than a sentence
a phrase cannot consist of only one word (normally)
Here are 224 Gun Phases
- Aim high
- Aim low
- All guns blazing
- Ammo dump
- Armed and dangerous
- At the end of a gun
- At gunpoint
- “X” is a real pistol
- Big Bore
- Big shot
- Big gun
- Bang for your buck
- Baptism of fire
- Be shot down
- Beat the gun
- Being a target
- Bite the bullet
- Blaze away
- Blow your brains out
- Blown away
- Boom stick
- Both barrels
- Both guns Firing
- Bring a Knife to a Gunfight
- Bring in the heavy artillery
- Bullet catcher
- Bullet Proof
- Bull’s Eye
- Call shotgun
- Call the shots
- Cannon fodder
- Cease fire
- Choose your weapon
- Cocked, locked, and ready to rock
- Crack shot
- Dead Eye
- Double-barreled
- Dodged a bullet
- Don’t shoot the messenger
- Draw someone’s fire
- Drive by
- Drop the hammer
- Dual wielding
- (a) Dud
- Eat a Gun
- Empty Chamber
- Fan the hammer
- Fastest Gun
- Fight Fire with Fire
- Fire in the hole
- Fire away
- Firing squad
- Fizzled attempt
- Flash in the pan
- Friendly fire
- Full nine yards
- Get the lead out
- Give it the gun
- Give it your best shot
- Gave it to him with both barrels
- Go ballistic
- Go down with both guns firing
- Go great guns
- Go in for the kill
- Go Off Half-Cocked
- Go postal
- Go to guns
- Go (off /out) with a bang
- Gone Winchester
- Gun down
- Gun it
- Gun runner
- Gun shy
- Gunboat diplomacy
- Gunned down
- Guns a blazing
- Hair trigger
- X .. he has a real shot to be ..
- Hail of lead (bullets,etc)
- Hang fire
- Have a shot at
- Hired gun
- Hit the Mark
- Hold a gun to his head
- Hold your fire
- Holster your (x)
- Hot as a pistol
- Hot Lead
- Hotter than a $2 pistol
- Hot shot
- In front of a firing squad
- In my sights
- In the Crosshairs
- In the line of fire
- Into the Breach
- Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?
- itchy trigger finger
- Jump the gun
- Just shoot me
- Keep your powder dry
- Knock down power
- Like a shot
- Loaded
- Loaded for bear
- Lock and load
- Lock stock and barrel
- Locked and loaded
- Long shot
- Loose cannon
- Magic bullet
- Mexican standoff
- Miss the mark
- Misfire
- More bang for your buck
- Fired in anger
- Offhand (comment / remark)
- Off like a shot
- On Target
- On the trigger
- On the mark
- One in the pipe
- Open fire
- Out of ammo
- Overshot
- Pack heat
- Packing heat
- Packing lead
- Parting shot
- Pea shooter
- Perfect shot
- Pistol packing
- Point blank (range)
- Pot Shot
- Powder Keg
- Pull the trigger
- Put a gun to your head
- Quick on the draw
- Quick on the trigger
- Rail Driver
- Ramrod it through
- Ramrod straight
- Rapid fire
- Ride shotgun
- Rifle through
- Rubber bullet
- Run toward the sound of gunfire
- Russian roulette
- Saturday night special
- Scattershot approach
- Setting your sights on..
- Sharp shooter
- Short fuse
- Shotgun wedding
- Small bore
- Storm of Bullets (Lead, etc)
- yelling “Shoot” in place of “Sh*t”
- Shoot blanks
- Shoot down in flames
- Shoot first, ask questions later
- Shoot from the hip
- Shooting for gold
- Shoot it out
- Shoot me that (email)
- Shoot me now
- Shot off his horse
- Shoot on sight
- Shoot straight
- Shoot the breeze
- Shoot the moon
- Shoot to kill
- Shoot your mouth off
- Shoot yourself in the foot
- Shoot your wad
- Shootin’ blanks
- Shooting blind
- Shooting left of center
- Shooting war
- Shot across the bows
- Shot down
- Shot for shot
- Shot glass
- Shot heard around the world
- Shot in the arm
- Shot in the foot
- Shot in the dark
- Shot through the roof
- Shot to hell
- Shot while trying to escape
- Shotgun wedding
- Silver bullet
- Skin that smoke wagon
- Smoke Pole
- Smoke wagon
- Smoking gun
- Snapshot
- Son of a gun
- Spray and pray
- Spraying Lead
- Stick to your guns
- Straight shooter
- Stopping Power.
- Sure as shootin
- Suppressing fire
- Tack Driver
- Take a pot shot at
- Take out the big guns
- Taking aim
- The Firing Line
- The whole shootin’ match
- Thumb the hammer
- Top Gun
- Trick shot
- Trigger happy
- Triggered
- Turkey shoot
- Under fire
- Under heavy fire
- Under the gun
- Who’s finger do you want on the trigger?
- With both barrels
- With guns blazing
- Worth a shot
- Your best shot
- Zeroing in
- Zip gun
We went LIVE to max out this list
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