- 1974 National Council to Control Handguns
– became Handgun Control, Inc
– then became Brady Campaign
– Nelson “Pete” Shields
For decades, NRA members had the exclusive privilege of purchasing surplus army rifles at half-price. More than a million weapons, such as Springfield rifles and M1 carbines, were sold in this way, and thousands of folks joined the organization to get the deal. the practice did not end until 1979, when the National Coalition to Ban Handguns won a lawsuit to stop it
- Handgun Control, Inc
- Brady Campaign
– past president Pete Shields
– president Dan Gross - States United to Prevent Gun Violence (SUPGV)
– founded in 2000 - Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund
– firearm prohibition lobby
– 2020 campaign $60 million - Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
– Robyn Thomas - Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
– Ladd Everitt - Americans for Responsible Solutions
– Gabby Giffords
– Peter Ambler - Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
– Ari Freilich, state policy director - International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA)
– Rebecca Peters
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