founded in 1949
Connecticut, Arizona, North Carolina
Ruger is currently America’s largest firearm manufacturer
second largest handgun manufacturer after Smith & Wesson
second largest rifle manufacturer after Remington
- 1949 founded by Alexander McCormick Sturm and William B. Ruger in Southport, Connecticut
- Rugers first pistol, serial Number 8, was “hand delivered” to Warren Page
- Oct. 6, 1949 first shipment of pistols
- 1,138 pistols produced and shipped by end of 1949
- November 1951 Alexander Sturm (28) died unexpectedly
– Bill switched the company eagle logo from red to black from then on - 1953 first single action revolver
- 1960s rifles were added
- 1969 publicly traded
- 1980s Opened the Prescott, Arizona factory to manufacture semi-auto pistols
- 2000 Bill Ruger retired
- Bill Ruger passed
- 2006 Bill Ruger, Jr. retired
- 2008 LCP semi-automatic pistol
- 2013 Factory in Mayodan, North Carolina
– 24-year old vacant yarn plant
– built in 1989 and has over 194,000 sq. feet - 2018 Bill Ruger, Jr., passed
- 700 variations of more than 40 product lines
- the only American firearms company that is not as a part of a parent company
Arms Makers for Responsible Citizens
Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc
411 Sunapee Street
Newport, NH 03773
Telephone: 336-949-5200
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