from 1871 to 1993
- U.S. firearms, bicycle, and motorcycle manufacturer
- Iver Johnson (1841–1895)
- 1857 educated as a gunsmith in Bergen, Norway
- Had a gun store in Oslo, Norway
- 1863 immigrated to Worcester, Massachusetts
- he made “pepperbox” pistols for Allen & Wheelock
- 1871 with Martin Bye created the Johnson Bye & Company
- 1883 Johnson bought Bye out
– name changed to Iver Johnson & Company - 1891 name changed Iver Johnson’s Arms & Cycle Works
– relocated to Fitchburg, Massachusetts - O.F. Mossberg worked for Iver Johnson durring this time
- 1895 Iver Johnson died of tuberculosis, his sons took over
- 1971 Louis Imperato purchased the name and moved IJ to New Jersey
- 1983 Investors bought Iver Johnson name and moved to Jacksonville, Arkansas
- 1993 ceased trading under its own name
– owned by American Military Arms Corporation (AMAC) - 2006 Iver Johnson Arms opened (relation in name only)
– in Rockledge, Florida
– manufacturer and firearms importer
– Iver Johnson Arms is making 1911s
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