DC Project


The DC Project is a nonpartisan initiative bringing 50 women, at least one from each state, to Washington, DC, to meet legislators, and reveal the faces and stories of 2A supporters. 

.. to influence Representatives and Senators not by demanding compliance, but rather through developing a relationship. Simply meeting them, getting to know them. Letting them see an actual gun-owning constituent. Possibly, changing the image some might have of such a person.

DC Project Founder – Dianna Muller
  • Feb 2016 – First (small) trip to Washington D.C.
  • July 2016 – 2nd Visit to D.C. with 35 Women
  • 2017 they added a range date

DC Project Delegation

  • ranges in age from 13 to 73
  • Gathers culminated with a rally on the Capitol lawn
  • pro-shooters, we have military/LEO, survivors that were denied firearms, survivors that had a firearm, naturalized immigrant


Amanda Suffecool and Cheryl Todd of the DC Project
Nov 5, 2020

2019 D.C. Project Delegates


2018 D.C. Project Delegates


2017 D.C. Project Delegates

  • Alabama ~ Beth Alcazar
  • Alaska ~ Elizabeth Pearch
  • Arizona ~ Cheryl Todd
  • Arkansas ~ Allison Neil Launius
  • California ~ Lara Smith & Julie Waasted
  • Colorado ~ Kimberly Corban & Cindy DeSplinter
  • Connecticut ~ Brooke Cheney & Holly Sullivan
  • Delaware ~ You?
  • DC ~ Gayle Trotter
  • Florida ~ Anniston Baluyot & Barbara Rumpel
  • Georgia ~ Katrina Reed & Christi Connor Tate
  • Hawaii ~ You?
  • Idaho ~ Autumn Parkin
  • Illinois ~ Lori Ann Blackwell
  • Indiana ~ Beth Walker & Beth Alcazar
  • Iowa ~ Jeanelle Westrom
  • Kansas ~ Corinne Mosher
  • Kentucky ~ Deb DeSpain & Megan Renee Hogan
  • Louisiana ~ Adrianna Eschete
  • Maine ~ You?
  • Maryland ~ Rebecca King
  • Massachusetts ~ You?
  • Michigan ~ Jennifer Wyatt
  • Minnesota ~ Tiffany & Dakota Overland
  • Mississippi ~ Kim Condon
  • Missouri ~ Suzi Huntington
  • Montana ~ You?
  • Nebraska ~ Lori & Samantha Armstrong
  • Nevada ~ Amanda Johnson and Michele Evans
  • New Hampshire ~ You?
  • New Jersey ~ Robin Wright
  • New Mexico ~ Tes Salb
  • New York ~ Annette Stevens-Dorr and Lauren Hartnett
  • North Carolina ~ Tina Martin-Nims & Heather Miller
  • North Dakota ~ You?
  • Ohio ~ Amanda Suffecool
  • Oklahoma ~ Dianna Muller
  • Oregon ~ Caitlin Hawkins & Anna Trump
  • Pennsylvania ~ Megan Snyder & Kelly Ann Pidgeon
  • Rhode Island ~ Daria Bruno
  • South Carolina ~ Amy Dillon
  • South Dakota ~ You?
  • Tennessee ~ Nikki Goeser & Merry Stewart
  • Texas ~ Robyn Sandoval & Gabby Franco
  • Utah ~ Sarah Weller
  • Vermont ~ You?
  • Virginia ~ Megan Boland, Amanda Johnson, & Mia Farinelli
  • Washington ~ Katy Brown & Susan Hansen
  • West Virginia ~ Lynne Russell
  • Wisconsin ~ Becky Yackley & Kelly Welke
  • Wyoming ~ April Strong

2016 DC Project Delegates

  • Alabama ~ Beth Alcazar
  • Alaska ~ Elizabeth Pearch
  • Arizona ~ Cheryl Todd
  • Arkansas ~ Allison Neil Launius
  • California ~ Lara Smith
  • Colorado ~ Kimberly Corban
  • Connecticut ~ Brooke Cheney
  • Delaware ~ You?
  • DC ~ Gayle Trotter
  • Florida ~ Clover Lawson
  • Georgia ~ Katrina Reed
  • Hawaii ~ You?
  • Idaho ~ You?
  • Illinois ~ Lori Ann Blackwell
  • Indiana ~ Erica Hoadland
  • Iowa ~ Jeanelle Westrom
  • Kansas ~ Corinne Mosher
  • Kentucky ~ Deb DeSpain
  • Louisiana ~ Adrianna Eschete
  • Maine ~ You?
  • Maryland ~ Rebecca King
  • Massachusetts ~ You?
  • Michigan ~ You?
  • Minnesota ~ Tiffany & Dakota Overland
  • Mississippi ~ Kim Condon
  • Missouri ~ Suzi Huntington
  • Montana ~ You?
  • Nebraska ~ Lori & Samantha Armstrong
  • Nevada ~ Amanda Johnson
  • New Hampshire ~ You?
  • New Jersey ~ Robin Wright
  • New Mexico ~ You?
  • New York ~ Annette Stevens-Dorr
  • North Carolina ~ Tina Martin-Nims & Heather Miller
  • North Dakota ~ You?
  • Ohio ~ Amanda Suffecool
  • Oklahoma ~ Dianna Muller
  • Oregon ~ Caitlin Hawkins
  • Pennsylvania ~ Megan Snyder & Patti Kenes
  • Rhode Island ~ Daria Bruno
  • South Carolina ~ Amy Dillon
  • South Dakota ~ You?
  • Tennessee ~ You?
  • Texas ~ Robyn Sandoval & Gabby Franco
  • Utah ~ Sarah Weller
  • Vermont ~ You?
  • Virginia ~ Megan Boland & Jane Horton
  • Washington ~ Katy Brown
  • West Virginia ~ You?
  • Wisconsin ~ Becky Yackley
  • Wyoming ~ April Strong
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