Firearms Trainers Association
since 2018
Oklahoma City, OK
- FTA provides best in the industry Professional Liability Coverage benefits to members for any legal action stemming from their firearms training business
- FTA protects the profession of firearms training through standards, business development services, curriculum sharing, safety and risk management.
- founded by 5 of the most well respected and distinguished professional firearms trainers
– was born in a conference room in Las Vegas at SHOT Show
– Their recognition of the need to create a mechanism to serve the interests of firearms trainers as well as increase the professionalism of the craft through their experiences, resources and core values led them to create FTA. - Ken Hackathorn-Chairman
- Larry Vickers-Vice Chairman
- Kyle Sweet – Executive Director
- Board members
– Jeff Gonzales, Dave Spaulding and Scott Reidy - FTA provides through CCW Safe’s 2A Insurance, financially backed membership benefits that provide for $1million in professional liability coverage including all legal costs and fees, attorneys fees and expert witness fees for only $400 per year
- FTA membership is open to any certified firearms instructor.
Firearms Trainers Association
28 W. Park Place STE B
Oklahoma City, OK 73131
(405) 740-7952
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