founded in 1894
Westfield, Massachusetts & Canada
- 1892 Arthur Savage designed a rifle for Colt
– magazine in the stock, not under the barrel
– but contract was won by the Krag–Jørgensen - 1894 Savage Arms founded by Arthur Savage in Utica, New York
- 1895 Model 1895 the first hammerless lever-action rifle
– Savage invented the rotary magazine rifle - one of six companies to participate in the United States Army trials for a .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol
- 1897 – 1999 Model 99 lever-action rifle made for 102 years
- 1908 invented the removable box magazine
– but his patent expired in 1942 - .300 Savage. Savage
- merged with the Driggs-Seabury Ordnance Company
- World War I
– produced Lewis machine guns in Sharon, Pennsylvania
– produced Model 1899 muskets - 1919 approached by Chief Lame Deer to buy rifles for his tribe in New York
– Lame Deer offered Savage to use his image as its logo in exchange for discounted rifles and an annual fee - 1091 – Arthur Savage moved to Duarte, California, and formed the Savage Tire company, he invented radial tires
- 1920, Savage Arms bought Stevens Arms of Chicopee Falls, MA
- 1929 Savage acquired the A.H. Fox Gun company of Philadelphia and moved production to Utica, New York
- 1939 Model 24 combination gun
- World War II
– made most of the Thompson submachine guns used in World War II
– produced the British No. 4 Lee–Enfield bolt-action rifle - 1969 Canadian operations began called Lakefield Arms
– Lakefield, Ontario - 2002 the AccuTrigger
- 2018 Savage Arms is still paying the annual fee to Lame Deer
- 1894 – .303 Savage
- 1912 – .22 Savage Hi-Power
- 1915 – .250-3000 Savage
- 1920 – .300 Savage
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