1942 – 1945
17,250 acres
Mead, Nebraska
- one of Nebraska’s 5 major ammunition plants
- 1942-1945 Nebraska Defense Corporation operated the site for the Army
– Ammunition was loaded - 1950-1956 reactivated for the Korean War
- 1959 transferred to GSA
– National Guard & Army Reserve retained roughly 1,000 acres
– 12 acres as a Nike Missile maintenance area - 1960 Air Force Atlas missile Area (AMA) site S-1
– 2,000 acres Atlas Missile site - bomb factory during the Vietnam War
- 1990 added as a Superfund site
- 1997 – 2020+ soil excavation and water treatment
- 1998 Incineration of 16,449 tons of explosives -contaminated soil
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