Louis Awerbuck

January 27, 1948 – June 24, 2014 (66)

  • Born in South Africa
  • 1st Special Services Battalion – South African Defence Force
  • Disciple of Col. Jeff Cooper
  • Chief Rangemaster under at Gunsite
    – Louis came to Gunsite to take a class, and Jeff Cooper was very impressed with him. Cooper eventually sponsored him for citizenship and hired him. Louis was the COO (ops officer) at Gunsite
  • Adjunct instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps
  • Adjunct instructor for Department of Energy
  • One of 12 “Shooting Masters who hold a Doctorate in Firearms
  • May 2010 “The Final Weapon.” – Black Belt magazine 
  • Column in SWAT magazine “Training and Tactics”  on page 98
  • 1987 started Yavapai Firearms Academy Ltd. in Prescott Valley, AZ
  • 1999 wrote “Tactical Reality”
  • 2013 wrote “Plowshares into Swords.”
  • 2018 – “More Tactical Reality”
  • 2018 – Hit or Myth: An Analysis of Target Systems for Practical Training in Defensive Shooting

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