May 10, 1920 – September 25, 2006

- Created the Safety Rules
- Created the Shooting School
- 1941 Marines
- 1957 Shooting Compititons in California
- Southwest Combat Pistol League (Southwest Pistol League)
Bigbear, California - 1966 coined the term Hoplophobia
- 1975 Became International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)
- first IPSC President
- 1977 American Handgunner Magazine
- 1989 Principles of Personal Defense (Revised Edition, red cover)
- 2006 Principles of Personal Defense (blue cover)
– Foreword by Louis Awerbuck
Hoplophobia, the morbid fear of guns, is a real, extremely dangerous, widespread and clinically recognizable complex specific phobia – Jeff Cooper 1966
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