founded in 1954
Union City, Tennessee
largest supplier of blackpowder shooting equipment, parts and antique guns in the world
- 1931 Turner E. Kirkland began collecting guns
– paid seventy five cents for a “dug up” 1849 Colt Pocket pistol - 1938 By the time Turner entered college he owned about one hundred guns
- World War II two years in the Pacific
- 1948 small ad in Muzzle Blasts magazine
- Friday, April 10, 1954 arrived home from one of my jewelry selling trips to find that nearly all the guns and parts I had advertised had been sold
– realized I just might be able to make a living at what had been a hobby - Dixie Gun Works started
- 1954 Dixie Gun Works Catalog
– 700 plus page publication
– illustrates more than 10,000 items - 1955 Dixie Kentucky Rifle first production made muzzleloading rifle
- 1955 purchased a 4000 square foot building
- 1960 built a 12,000 square foot building
- 1968 moved to its current location 30,000 square foot
- 1974 added on 46,000 square feet
- 1978 Dixie Gun Works Blackpowder Annual
– 75,000 sent out - Dixie Gun Works Old Car Museum
– 1850’s period log cabin gun shop - July 26, 1997 Turner Kirkland died (77)
Dixie Gun Works
1412 W Reelfoot Ave
Union City, Tennessee 38261
731 885 0440
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