Alliant Techsystems
Arlington, Virginia
- 1990 Honeywell spun off its defense businesses to shareholders
- 1995 purchased Hercules Inc
- 2001 acquisition of Blount International
– sporting and law enforcement ammunition - 2001 operates the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP)
- 2009 acquired Eagle Industries
- 2010 acquired Blackhawk Industries
- 2012 selected by the United States Army to continue operating and maintaining the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) for seven to ten years
- 2014 renovated ammunition production facility at the LCAAP
– invested $11 million to modernize production of 20 millimeter ammo - 2015 Vista Outdoor spinoff of the Sporting Group companies
– and ATK’s Aerospace Group – Orbital Sciences
– headquartered in Utah
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