Arcadia Machine & Tool

1977 – 1998

  • from Irwindale, California
  • 1978 AMT Backup 380
  • 1982 to 1995 produced the AutoMag line of pistols
  • 1989 acquired by IAI (Irwindale Arms Incorporated)
  • 1998 purchased by Galena Industries of Sturgis, South Dakota
    –  assembled guns from existing parts
    – phased out the use of the “AMT” brand
  • 2001 – 2018 purchased by High Standard Manufacturing Company in Houston, Texas
  • 2005 – 2018 reintroduced & produced:
    – AutoMag II, AutoMag III, AutoMag IV, and Backup 
  • May of 2018 High Standard Manufacturing went out business


AMT Information site


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