incorporated on October 1, 1954
California, Illinois, Arizona
- October 1, 1954 a subdivision of Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation
– located in Hollywood, California
– AR-5 was adopted and designated the MA-1 Survival Rifle - 1954 Eugene Stoner became Chief Engineer
– Stoner’s patents become much of ArmaLite’s catalog - 1955 AR-10
- January 1959 trademarked AR-10 & AR-15 to Colt
- 1959 AR-7 .22 caliber survival rifle
- 1959 moved from Hollywood to Costa Mesa, California
- 1961 Stoner left to work as a consultant for Colt
- 1963 began development on the AR-18
- 1967 production of the AR-18 began
– Howa Machinery Company of Nagoya, Japan
– Howa produced 3,927 AR-180s
– between October 1970 and February 1974 - 1968 set up pilot production in Costa Mesa
– produced 1,171 AR-18s
– produced 4,018 AR-180s
– between July 1969 and June 1972 - 1973 Japanese government halted all exports of AR-18 and AR-180 rifles
- 1974 Sterling Armament Company of Dagenham, England, was licensed to produce AR180
– produced 12,362 AR-180s
– between the 1975 and 1983
– 10,946 were exported to the United States - 1983 Armalite was sold to Elisco Tool Manufacturing Company, of the Philippines
– Inventory, tooling, and machinery were sent from the U.S. plant to the Philippines
– unable to carry out the AR-18 production
– Ferdinand Marcos was overturned and went into exile - 1987 US offices closed
- 1995 sold to Mark Westrom
- 1995 Eagle was reincorporated as ArmaLite
– Eagle Arms reduced to a division of ArmaLite
– headquartered in Geneseo, Illinois - 2013 Westrom sold to Strategic Armory Corps (founded in 2011)
– AWC Silencers, Surgeon Rifles, Nexus Ammo, and McMillan Firearms - 2018 relocated to Phoenix Arizona
6567 Santa Monica Boulevard
Hollywood, California
Strategic Armory Corps
525 E Pinnacle Peak Rd Ste 100
Phoenix, AZ 85024
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