Amy Swearer’s 2A accomplishments

Amy Swearer is a legal policy analyst and senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in the United States. Swearer’s work focuses on Second Amendment rights, criminal justice reform, and the intersection of law and policy.

Swearer received her law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law and her undergraduate degree from Patrick Henry College

Swearer received her law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law and her undergraduate degree from Patrick Henry College

Swearer received her law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law and her undergraduate degree from Patrick Henry College, where she studied government and strategic intelligence. After law school, she worked as a law clerk in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit and then as an attorney in private practice.

Since joining The Heritage Foundation, Swearer has written and spoken extensively on Second Amendment issues, advocating for the protection of Americans’ right to keep and bear arms. She has also worked on criminal justice reform, arguing that the justice system should focus on rehabilitation rather than punishment.

Swearer’s work has been featured in various media outlets, including Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, and National Review. She has testified before Congress on the Second Amendment and gun control legislation and has been a guest on numerous radio and television programs.

Swearer’s accomplishments include helping to shape public policy and legal debates on Second Amendment rights and criminal justice reform. Her work has also influenced legislative proposals and has helped to inform public opinion on these important issues.

Rhonda Ezell, civil rights activist and gun rights advocate

Rhonda Ezell is a civil rights activist and gun rights advocate from Chicago, Illinois

Rhonda Ezell is a civil rights activist and gun rights advocate from Chicago, Illinois

Rhonda Ezell is a civil rights activist and gun rights advocate from Chicago, Illinois. Her advocacy has centered around the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution

Rhonda Ezell’s journey as a gun rights advocate began in 2010 when she and several other plaintiffs filed a lawsuit challenging the City of Chicago’s ban on the possession of firearms. At the time, the City of Chicago had one of the strictest gun control laws in the United States, which made it nearly impossible for law-abiding citizens to legally own firearms.

Ezell’s lawsuit, Ezell v. City of Chicago, ultimately made its way to the United States Supreme Court. In a landmark decision, the Court ruled that the City of Chicago’s ban on the possession of firearms was unconstitutional and violated the Second Amendment. The decision had far-reaching implications and set a precedent for other cities and states with strict gun control laws.

Since the Ezell v. City of Chicago decision, Rhonda Ezell has continued her advocacy for gun rights. She has been a vocal opponent of efforts to restrict access to firearms and has worked to educate others about the importance of the Second Amendment.

“the Court ruled that the City of Chicago’s ban on the possession of firearms was unconstitutional and violated the Second Amendment”

In recognition of her advocacy, Rhonda Ezell has received numerous awards and accolades.

In 2017, she was named the “Gun Rights Defender of the Year” by the Second Amendment Foundation. She has also been featured in several media outlets, including Fox News and The Blaze, and has been invited to speak at gun rights rallies and events across the country.

In addition to her advocacy work, Rhonda Ezell is also the founder of the Chicago Guns Matter program, which provides firearm training and education to residents of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods. The program aims to empower individuals to protect themselves and their families from violent crime.

Overall, Rhonda Ezell’s work as a gun rights advocate has been instrumental in advancing the cause of Second Amendment rights in the United States. Her efforts have helped to overturn unconstitutional gun control laws and have empowered individuals to exercise their right to bear arms.

Chicago Guns Matter is an organization made up of pro-gun advocates in and around Chicago, who are here to share with the urban community how to exercise their fundamental constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

The Gun Control Debate: Examining Both Sides of the Issue

The debate over gun control has been ongoing for decades, with both sides passionately advocating for their positions. On one hand, there are those who argue for stricter gun control measures, citing the need to reduce gun violence and keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. On the other hand, there are those who argue that gun control measures infringe on their Second Amendment rights and do little to prevent crime. In this blog post, I will examine both sides of the gun control debate and provide a nuanced perspective on this complex issue.

Addressing the root causes of violence through measures such as improving mental health care, addressing poverty and economic inequality, and promoting community-based interventions that prevent violence before it occurs

Arguments for Stricter Gun Control Measures

Those who argue for stricter gun control measures often cite the rate of gun violence in the United States and the need to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and those who pose a danger to themselves or others. Some of the key arguments for stricter gun control measures include:

  • Reducing the number of firearms in circulation through measures such as background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons
  • Ensuring that those who do own firearms are responsible and properly trained through measures such as mandatory training and licensing requirements
  • Promoting public safety by limiting access to firearms for those who are at risk of committing violence due to mental illness, domestic violence, or other factors

Arguments Against Stricter Gun Control Measures

Those who argue against stricter gun control measures often cite the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees the right to bear arms. They argue that gun control measures infringe on this fundamental right and do little to prevent crime. Some of the key arguments against stricter gun control measures include:

  • Gun control measures do not address the root causes of violence and may even make the problem worse by disarming victims and creating “victim zones”
  • Criminals will simply ignore gun control laws and their victims (law-abiding citizens) will be left defenseless against violence & violent crime
  • Gun control measures erode individual freedoms and that no government can be trusted to respect individual rights foreaver

A Nuanced Perspective on Guns

The gun control debate is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to simplistic arguments for or against. It is clear that both sides have valid concerns and different solutions  solution to the problem of violence in society. However, a nuanced perspective on the issue can help promote greater understanding and empathy on both sides.

One possible solution is to focus on measures that address the root causes of violence. This could include measures such as:

  • Addressing the root causes of violence through measures such as improving mental health care, addressing poverty and economic inequality, and promoting community-based interventions that prevent violence before it occurs
  • Finding common ground and working together to promote a culture of safety and responsibility


The gun control debate is a complex issue that requires a nuanced and thoughtful approach. By examining both sides of the issue and promoting responsible firearm ownership while also addressing the root causes of violence, we can work towards a safer and more compassionate society for all. Ultimately, the key to finding a solution to this complex issue is to engage in respectful dialogue and work together towards a shared goal of reducing violence and promoting public safety.

Stigma Around Gun Owners: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Biases.

For a long-time there has been an effort to create stigma and biases around gun ownership.

Gun owners are often portrayed in the media as violent, uneducated, and dangerous, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases.

Lets explore the stigma around gun owners and the importance of breaking down these stereotypes and biases.

Breaking down stereotypes and biases around gun owners is essential for promoting a more inclusive and understanding society

The Stigma Around Gun Owners

The stigma around gun owners is pervasive and can be seen in many areas of our society. This includes media portrayals, political rhetoric, and social biases. Gun owners are often stereotyped as conservative, white, male, and uneducated. These stereotypes are harmful and do not accurately reflect the diversity of gun owners in our society.

Breaking Down Stereotypes and Biases

Breaking down stereotypes and biases around gun owners is essential for promoting a more inclusive and understanding society. This includes challenging harmful media portrayals, engaging in respectful dialogue with those who hold different views, and promoting diversity and inclusivity within the gun community.

It is important to remember that gun owners are a diverse group of individuals with a variety of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. By recognizing this diversity, we can begin to break down stereotypes and biases and promote a more nuanced and accurate understanding of gun ownership.

The Importance of Education and Responsibility

Education and responsibility are essential for promoting safe and responsible firearm ownership. This includes educating new gun owners on the safe handling and use of firearms, promoting safe storage practices, and encouraging responsible behavior both on and off the range.

By promoting education and responsibility, we can help break down the stigma around gun owners and promote a culture of safety and responsibility within the gun community. This can help build bridges between gun owners and those who may hold different views, promoting greater understanding and empathy on both sides.

In Conclusion

The stigma and biases around gun owners are pervasive and harmful, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases. However, by promoting education, responsibility, and inclusivity within the gun community, we can help break down these stereotypes and biases and promote a more nuanced and accurate understanding of gun ownership. By working together, we can build a more inclusive and understanding society that respects the rights and beliefs of all individuals, regardless of their views on firearms.

Minuteman University project

Why it is Irresponsible and Un-Ethical to Hide Firearms from Children

One of the most important aspects of responsible ownership is ensuring that children are educated about firearms and their safe use.

Unfortunately, many people believe that the best way to keep children safe is to hide firearms from them.

Hiding firearms from children is both irresponsible and unethical.


Hiding Firearms Can Create Curiosity and Unsafe Behaviors

Hiding firearms from children can create curiosity and unsafe behaviors. Children are naturally curious and may be tempted to explore areas of the home that are off-limits. By hiding firearms from them, we may actually be increasing their curiosity and encouraging them to seek out these forbidden objects. This can lead to unsafe behaviors, such as handling firearms without supervision or inappropriately using them as toys.

Hiding firearms from children can perpetuate a culture of fear and secrecy around firearms. This can lead to a lack of understanding about firearms and their safe use, which can in turn lead to unsafe behaviors and accidents.

Firearms are a reality of our world, and it is important for children to learn about them in a safe and responsible manner. By educating children about firearms and their safe use, we can demystify them and help children develop a healthy respect for them.

Educating children about firearms can also teach them important life skills, such as responsibility, discipline, and respect. These skills can be applied to other areas of their lives and help them become responsible and productive members of society.


Hiding Firearms Can Leave Children Vulnerable in Emergency Situations

Hiding firearms from children can also leave them vulnerable in emergency situations. In the event of a break-in or other threatening situation, children may be unable to access firearms that could potentially save their lives. By educating children about firearms and their safe use, we can empower them to protect themselves and their families in emergency situations.

Hiding firearms from children can be a violation of their rights and can lead to feelings of distrust and resentment. By educating children about firearms and their safe use, we can empower them to make informed decisions and take responsibility for their own safety.


Educating Children About Firearms is Essential for Safe and Responsible Ownership

Educating children about firearms is essential for safe and responsible ownership. By teaching children about the safe handling and use of firearms, we can help them develop a healthy respect for these powerful tools. This includes teaching them about the four rules of firearm safety, which include treating all firearms as if they are loaded, never pointing a firearm at anything you don’t intend to shoot, keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot, and knowing your target and what is beyond it.

Hiding firearms from children can perpetuate a cycle of ignorance and fear that ultimately does more harm than good. By educating children about firearms and their safe use, we can break this cycle and promote a culture of responsibility and safety around firearms.

Hiding Firearms Can Create Curiosity and Unsafe Behaviors

Hiding Firearms Can Create Curiosity and Unsafe Behaviors


Hiding firearms from children may seem like a responsible way to keep them safe, but in reality, it can create curiosity, unsafe behaviors, and leave children vulnerable in emergency situations. Educating children about firearms and their safe use is essential for responsible ownership and can help them develop a healthy respect for these powerful tools. By taking the time to educate our children about firearms, we can ensure that they are empowered to make safe and responsible decisions when it comes to firearms.

Gun Control Debate: Why Both Sides May Be Missing the Point

The debate over gun control has been raging for decades, with both sides passionately advocating for their positions. On one hand, there are those who argue for stricter gun control measures, citing the need to reduce gun violence and keep firearms out of the hands of criminals. On the other hand, there are those who argue that gun control measures infringe on their Second Amendment rights and do little to prevent crime.

However, both sides may be missing the point.

Missing the Point: Violence is a Complex Problem

The debate over gun control often focuses solely on the issue of firearms, without addressing the larger problem of violence in our society. While guns can certainly be a factor in acts of violence, they are just one of many potential tools that can be used to cause harm. The real issue is not guns themselves, but the underlying factors that contribute to violence, such as poverty, mental illness, and social isolation.

Missing the Point: The Focus Should Be on Prevention

Both sides of the gun control debate often focus on reactive measures, such as limiting access to firearms or increasing law enforcement presence. The focus however, should be on proactive measures that prevent violence before it occurs. This includes improving mental health care, addressing socioeconomic factors that contribute to violence, and promoting community-based interventions that prevent violence from occurring in the first place.

Missing the Point: Collaboration is Essential

The gun control debate is often characterized by polarizing and divisive rhetoric, with each side digging in and refusing to compromise.

Collaboration is essential if we are to truly address the issue of violence in our society. This means working together to find common ground and solutions that take into account the needs and concerns of all stakeholders.


The gun control debate is a complex and emotionally charged issue that requires nuanced and thoughtful solutions. Both sides of the debate may be missing the point by focusing solely on firearms, rather than addressing the underlying causes of violence and promoting proactive measures to prevent it. By working together and collaborating, we can find solutions that respect individual rights while also ensuring public safety and reducing violence in our society.

Debunking the Connection Between Mental Illness and Gun Violence

In the aftermath of many spree killers, there is often a rush to blame mental illness as the root cause of the violence. While it is true that some perpetrators of spree killers have had mental health issues, the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent and do not pose a threat to others. In this blog post, I will explore the connection between mental illness and violence and debunk the myths and misconceptions surrounding this issue.

Myth #1: Mental Illness is the Primary Cause of Gun Violence

One of the most pervasive myths about violence is that mental illness is the primary cause. In reality, research has shown that mental illness is only a small factor in  violence. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), people with mental illness are actually more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators.

Myth #2: Gun Violence can be Prevented by Restricting Access to Guns for People with Mental Illness

Another common myth is that restricting access to guns for people with mental illness will prevent gun violence. However, this approach is not supported by research. The vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent, and most people who commit acts of violence do not have a diagnosed mental illness.

Restricting access to guns for people with mental illness can actually discourage them from seeking treatment and could potentially violate their civil rights.


Myth #3: People with Mental Illness Should be Stereotyped and Stigmatized as Dangerous

A final myth is that people with mental illness should be stereotyped and stigmatized as dangerous. This approach is not only unfair and stigmatizing, but it also ignores the reality that mental illness is a treatable condition. With the right treatment and support, many people with mental illness can recover and lead healthy, productive lives.


The connection between mental illness and violence is a complex issue that cannot be reduced to simplistic myths and misconceptions. While it is true that some spree killers have had mental health issues, the vast majority of people with mental illness are not violent and do not pose a threat to others. Rather than stigmatizing and stereotyping people with mental illness, we should focus on improving mental health care and addressing the underlying social and economic factors that contribute to violence. By taking a more nuanced and evidence-based approach, we can work towards a safer and more compassionate society for all.

Understanding the Different Types of Firearms and Their Uses


Handguns are one of the most common types of firearms and are typically used for self-defense, concealed carry, or target shooting. There are two main types of handguns: revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Revolvers are known for their simplicity and reliability, while semi-automatic pistols offer greater capacity and ease of use.


Rifles are long guns that are designed for accuracy at longer distances. They are typically used for hunting, sport shooting, or military and law enforcement applications. There are several different types of rifles, including bolt-action rifles, semi-automatic rifles, and assault rifles. Bolt-action rifles are known for their accuracy and reliability, while semi-automatic rifles offer greater capacity and ease of use.


Shotguns are versatile firearms that can be used for a variety of applications, including hunting, sport shooting, and home defense. They fire multiple pellets or a single slug from a shell and come in several different types, including pump-action, semi-automatic, and double-barrel shotguns. Pump-action shotguns are the most common and are known for their reliability and ease of use.

Black Powder Firearms

Black powder firearms are a unique type of firearm that use black powder as a propellant. They come in several different types, including muskets, rifles, and pistols. Black powder firearms are typically used for historical reenactments, hunting, or sport shooting.

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Guns and Gun Owners

Over the years many myths and misconceptions about firearms and those who own them are pushed and continued.

Unfortunately, many of these misconceptions are perpetuated by the media, politicians, and others who are not familiar with firearms or the culture of gun ownership.

Here are some of the most common myths and misconceptions about guns and gun owners.

Myth: Gun owners are all right-wing extremists.

Fact: This is simply not true. Gun ownership is a diverse and widespread phenomenon that cuts across all political and ideological lines. In fact, many gun owners are liberal or moderate in their political views, and the gun ownership rate is highest in rural areas, which tend to be more conservative.

Myth: You Don’t Need a Gun for Self-Defense

While it is true that there are many other ways to protect yourself, owning a firearm is one of the most effective methods of self-defense. A firearm provides a level of force that is difficult to match with other weapons, and it can be used to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.

Myth: Guns are only used for violence.

Fact: While it is true that guns can be used for violence, they are also used for a variety of other purposes, such as hunting, sport shooting, and self-defense. In fact, the vast majority of gun owners use their firearms responsibly and never use them to harm another person.

Myth: Owning a gun makes you more likely to be a victim of gun violence.

Fact: This is a common misconception that is not supported by the data. In fact, studies have shown that owning a gun can actually reduce your risk of being a victim of violent crime, as it can serve as a deterrent to would-be attackers.

Myth : Gun Owners are Uneducated and Uninformed

This is a particularly pernicious myth that is often used to stigmatize gun owners. In reality, gun owners come from all walks of life and include doctors, lawyers, business owners, and many other highly educated and informed individuals. Owning a firearm is not a reflection of intelligence or education; it is a personal choice based on individual circumstances and beliefs.

Myth: The Second Amendment only applies to militias, not individuals.

Fact: This is a widely-disputed interpretation of the Second Amendment. While it is true that the amendment references the need for a well-regulated militia, the right to bear arms is clearly established as an individual right that “shall not be infringed.”

Myth: Gun Owners are Dangerous

One of the most pervasive myths about gun owners is that they are dangerous and prone to violence. This simply is not true. The vast majority of gun owners are responsible, law-abiding citizens who own firearms for self-defense, hunting, or recreational shooting. It is criminals who use their firearms for criminal purposes.

Myth: Gun owners are not interested in common-sense gun laws.

Fact: Most gun owners support common-sense measures to prevent violence, but Gun control laws ONLY address one dangerous item and leave the causes un-attended.. this is an attack on most people who are ignorant of how guns work

Many gun owners are in favor of common-sense measures to prevent violence, such as improving mental health care, addressing socioeconomic issues that contribute to violence, and enforcing existing laws. However, gun control laws often focus solely on restricting access to firearms, without addressing the underlying issues that contribute to violence.

This approach to gun control is problematic for several reasons.

First, it ignores the fact that firearms are just one of many potentially dangerous items that can be used to harm others. For example, a person intent on causing harm could use a knife, a vehicle, or even a homemade bomb. Focusing solely on restricting access to firearms fails to address the larger issue of preventing violence in all its forms.

Second, many gun control laws are written by people who are ignorant of how firearms actually work. This can lead to poorly designed laws that do little to prevent violence but impose unnecessary burdens on law-abiding gun owners. For example, laws that restrict the capacity of magazines or ban certain types of firearms may sound reasonable on the surface, but in practice, they are often ineffective at preventing violence and can unfairly restrict the rights of responsible gun owners.

Third, gun control laws can be perceived as an attack on responsible gun owners, rather than a solution to the problem of violence. Many gun owners feel that their rights are being unfairly restricted by laws that do little to prevent crime, while doing much to limit their ability to protect themselves and their families.

So, while most gun owners support common-sense measures to prevent violence, gun control laws that only focus on restricting access to firearms are not an effective solution. To truly address the problem of violence, we must address the underlying causes and focus on improving mental health care, addressing socioeconomic issues, and enforcing existing laws. By taking a more comprehensive approach, we can work towards a safer society for all.


There are many myths and misconceptions about guns and gun owners, but it is important to separate fact from fiction. There are multiple benefits and responsibilities of owning a firearm. Responsible gun ownership is a critical component of personal freedom and individual liberties, and it is important to dispel the myths and misconceptions that often surround it. By educating ourselves and others, we can work towards a more informed and responsible approach to gun ownership in America.

Colonel William C. Church, history of American journalism & publishing

Colonel William C. Church was a prominent figure in the history of American journalism and publishing. He was born on October 22, 1836, in Rochester, New York, and was the son of a Baptist minister. After graduating from Rochester University in 1856, he moved to St. Louis, Missouri, where he began his career in journalism.

Colonel William C. Church was a notable figure in American journalism, publishing, and politics, and he also played a significant role in the history of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Colonel William C. Church was a notable figure in American journalism, publishing, and politics, and he also played a significant role in the history of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Church’s early career was focused on reporting and editing for various newspapers, including the St. Louis Democrat, the Cincinnati Gazette, and the New York Times. In 1861, he joined the Union Army during the Civil War and served as a correspondent for the New York Times, reporting on the battles of Bull Run and Antietam.

After the war, Church returned to journalism and became the managing editor of the New York Sun in 1868. Under his leadership, the Sun became one of the most widely read newspapers in the country, known for its coverage of crime and scandal.

In 1877, Church and his business partner, Francis P. Church, purchased the New York Galaxy magazine, which they later renamed to The Galaxy. The magazine featured some of the most prominent writers of the day, including Mark Twain, Bret Harte, and Henry James. Church also founded the Army and Navy Journal in 1863, which he edited until his death in 1917.

Church was also involved in politics and was a strong advocate for Republican causes. He served as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1876 and was an early supporter of Theodore Roosevelt’s political career.

In addition to his work in journalism and publishing, Church was a philanthropist and supporter of various charitable causes. He was a founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the National Child Labor Committee.

Overall, Colonel William C. Church was a prominent figure in the world of American journalism and publishing. He helped shape the media landscape of his time and made significant contributions to the causes he believed in.

Colonel William C. Church was a notable figure in American journalism, publishing, and politics, and he also played a significant role in the history of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

Church’s involvement with the NRA began in 1871, shortly after its founding, when he was approached by the organization’s first president, George Wingate, to help promote and develop the organization. Church was a passionate outdoorsman and hunter, and he saw the NRA as an opportunity to promote responsible gun use and marksmanship training.

As a result of Church’s efforts, the NRA began to grow rapidly, and he served as the organization’s second president from 1874 to 1876. During his tenure, he helped establish the NRA’s annual shooting competitions and worked to promote gun safety and marksmanship training across the United States.

Colonel William C. Church served as the organization's second president from 1874 to 1876

Colonel William C. Church served as the organization’s second president from 1874 to 1876

Church was also an early advocate for the Second Amendment, which he saw as a crucial component of American freedom and democracy. In an editorial published in the Army and Navy Journal in 1871, he wrote, “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”

In addition to his work with the NRA, Church was a prominent figure in American journalism and publishing. He served as the managing editor of the New York Sun and helped found the Army and Navy Journal. He was also a philanthropist and supporter of various charitable causes, including the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the National Child Labor Committee.

Overall, Colonel William C. Church played a significant role in the history of the NRA and helped shape the organization into what it is today. He was a passionate advocate for responsible gun use, marksmanship training, and the Second Amendment, and his contributions have had a lasting impact on American culture and politics.